Friday, December 18, 2009

New post about OFBiz Widget Programming on HWM Blog

Here is the link of a new post about OFBiz widgets I wrote for my company's blog:
"OFBiz Tutorial – Building A Simple Product List Screen"

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

New post about OFBiz Custom Components on HWM Blog

Here is the link of a new post about OFBiz Custom Components setup I wrote for my company's blog:
"OFBiz Tutorial - Custom Components in OFBiz"

Friday, November 13, 2009

New post about OFBiz Widget Renderers on HWM Blog

Here is the link of a new post about OFBiz Widget Renderers I wrote for my company's blog:
"OFBiz Tutorial - Introduction to OFBiz Widgets"

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

HotWax Media is Gold Sponsor at ApacheCon US 2009

We did it again!
HotWax Media is again, after last year's Platinum Sponsorship at New Orleans conference, one of the top names at ApacheCon: we are Gold Sponsor at ApacheCon US 2009, Oakland.
Unfortunately this year I am not able to attend and meet the Apache gents, but for sure HotWax Media will be greatly represented by Mike Bates and Tim Ruppert.
Here is the blog post about this event from HotWax Media blog:
HotWax Media, Gold Sponsor, ApacheCon US 2009

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Just For Money

Interesting news about Luca Toni, former great scorer of my beloved Fiorentina, before he left to play for Bayern Munchen, where he is right now, getting paid about 3 times he used to be in Fiorentina.
Now Toni is complaining because, after the last not quite good season, he has been placed at the margins of the team.
Toni was treated like an hero in Florence, now he is one of the many (rich) players in Munchen.
This reminds me of a quote from "Star Wars", when Princess Leila says to Han Solo:
If money is all that you love, then that's what you'll receive.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Three B-movies that I would bring with me in a desert island

"The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" by Tobe Hooper (1974)
"They Live" by John Carpenter (1988)
"Braindead" by Peter Jackson (1992)

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Gorgeous dessert in SLC

Another trip around the World, Toronto and then Salt Lake City, my second home, where I had this low fat and healthy dessert :-)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


[...] Ho visto bombe di Stato
scoppiare nelle piazze
e anarchici distratti
cadere giu' dalle finestre

from "Quarant'anni" by Modena City Ramblers

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Firefox error using OFBiz demo certificate

I had issues running OFBiz in Firefox 3.0.8 (but the problem may be already there since 3.0.3) on MacOSX; the browser was returning the following error:
Error code: sec_error_expired_issuer_certificate

I managed to fix it following these steps:
1) Firefox-> preferences -> advanced -> encryption -> view certificates -> servers
2) Add exception...
3) Enter https://localhost:8443

Monday, March 30, 2009

The chair of evil

The company I work for, located in Salt Lake City, Utah, US, shipped me a cool chair for my home office.
I understand this is not going to be the most common package received by Italian Custom Authorities, and I was prepared to do the requested paperwork (and of course pay the custom duties and taxes) to pass thru the borders.
However one of the papers is really amazing in its stupidity; I had to sign a declaration about the intended usage of the chair (?!):
I will not use the chair for torture and repression according to CEE rule # 1236/05

And I am not joking.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Quick Start Guides for OFBiz

Here are some "experimental" quick start guides for OFBiz that I have written to simplify the very first steps in the OFBiz world: Quick Start Guides.
Right now they are just an experiment and a work in progress, but they may be useful: by following them, in very few steps, you will be able to have an OFBiz instance up and running, create a custom application etc...

Sunday, January 04, 2009


"the making of" home made pancakes... with original ingredients purchased during my last trip to Salt Lake City.